Tuesday, 16.05.2017

Workshop: “Impact of the current situation on food security in the Gaza Strip”

On Tuesday, 16 May 2017, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), in cooperation with its partner Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO), organized a workshop on the “Impact of the Current Situation on Food Security in the Gaza Strip”. The workshop took place at the Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children.

At the workshop, Mr. Anas Musallahm, Coordinator of Food Security Sector, and Mr. Taysser Muhiesen, representative from the Agricultural Relief, and Mr. Ahmad Sourani, Development Researcher, spoke about the looming risks on food security in the Gaza Strip in light of the difficult conditions under the existing blockade as well as the political division.

The rise in the unemployment rate and the increase in the poverty rate have resulted in the suffering of about 40% of the families from food insecurity in the Gaza Strip. The speakers of the workshops warned ahead of further deterioration of the situations. Speakers, guests from civil society organizations and journalists engaged in a deep and lively discussion.

Key points of the discussion were the reasons for rapid food insecurity, as well as on future scenarios.


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