
Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)

PASSIA was founded in 1987 as a non-partisan, non-governmental institution conducting research and promoting academic awareness of Palestinian issues. The institute is dedicated to developing alternatives for the future of Jerusalem and constructive approaches to the peace process. The FES-PASSIA partnership has yielded several publications as well as briefings, roundtables and workshops to promote international dialogue.

International Peace and Cooperation Centre (IPCC)

The IPPC was established in 1998 as a Jerusalem based planning and training organization with a special emphasis on the role of Jerusalem in the broader Middle East conflict. The work of the IPPC seeks to develop plausible alternatives for Jerusalem as a livable and open capital for all of its residents.

Health Development Information and Policy Institute (HDIP)

HDIP was founded in 1989 by a group of physicians dedicated to supporting health and development initiatives in the Palestinian Territories. The group has evolved since to be active in democracy promotion as well. HDIP seeks to build the necessary foundations for a democratic civil society sustainable in the long term. The FES partnership with HDIP focuses on youth mobilization programs. This partnership is integral to the civil society work of the FES.

Jerusalem Media und Communication Center (JMCC)

In 1998 journalists and researchers established the JMCC to provide information from the Palestinian Territories. The long-term goal of the JMCC is to provide accurate and reliable information about Palestine through media, research and public opinion polls. The FES-JMCC partnership has resulted in public opinion polling on the perception of democracy and governance in the Palestinian Territories. This work strengthens the foundations for political transformation by bridging the gap to democratic civil society.

Institute of Public Policies (IPP)

The Institute for Public Policies (IPP) was founded by a group of experts in the political situation in Palestine. The driving force behind the creation of this institute came from a need to create and offer public policy based on specialized research and scientific studies in Palestine. With the absence of a public policy-making body in Palestine, IPP was launched to improve the making of the general policies in the public and private sectors and in all other political, economic and social sectors. IPP assumes the role of policy-making for bettering the Palestinian community. It reaches out to decision makers, especially youth leaders, to help them gain objective knowledge and make positive and qualitative change.

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU)

The PGFTU was founded in 1965 under Jordanian control of the West Bank, as the successor to the Arab Labours Society. It is the internationally recognized trade union centre for Palestine and has been a full member of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) since 2001. The cooperation between FES and PGFTU, in the framework of the cooperation-mandate of the Confederation German Trade Unions, is focused mainly on internal reform.


P.O. Box 25126
Mount of Olives St. 27
9125101 Jerusalem


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