Friday, 11.05.2018 - Saturday, 12.05.2018 - Hebron

The Young Leaders Program: Social Gender Justice in Hebron, 11th to 12th of May 2018

On the 11th and 12th of May, the Young Leaders program hosted a workshop devoted to thoughts on Social Gender Justice. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) together with our partners, the Women’s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC), organized the two-day event in the beautiful city of Hebron.

In this workshop, the Young Leaders participants addressed the topics of gender equality and gender justice, questioning common gender roles and stereotypes in Palestinian society of today and developing personal and societal visions and goals related to gender justice. The sessions were introduced with a welcome address by the organizers and a theoretical introduction by WATC trainer Nahed AbuTaima on gender concepts and the Palestinian vision of the concept.

Building on this foundation, the group entered a workshop with FES Program Manager, Nidal Alayasa, on the successful preparation and implementation of political and social initiatives in the local community. In the further course of the workshop, the Young Leaders asked themselves what they themselves would like to change in concrete terms, which challenges they face and which resources they already possess to implement gender related changes in society and their personal life.

On the second day WATC trainer, Eatidial Jariri, therefore conducted a discussion with them on concrete practical and strategical needs to integrate gender issues in other fields. To finish, the young people and their trainers discovered the beautiful architecture and learned a lot about the current challenges and political conditions of the inhabitants of the occupied old city of Hebron.


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