Sunday, 13.05.2018 - Gaza City

Short Report: “Role of Health NGOs within the Health Sectorial National Agenda”

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, in cooperation with Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO Net ), conducted a public workshop entitled: “Interventions of National Health NGOs and Means to Strengthen Coordination within the Health Sectorial National Agenda”, within the project “Strengthening the Role of Civil Society on Influencing the National and Sectorial Policies”.

Within the workshops the role of civil society health organizations within the framework of the national agenda of the health sector was discussed. Speakers of eight health NGOs presented their provided services and the current mechanisms of coordination between them and the state-run health institutions. Thereby, the importance of improving the coordination and of collecting detailed information about the work of each health organization in order to provide good services to the society and to avoid doubled services, was highlighted.

The representatives of the health NGOs discussed the obstacles they are facing concerning the health sector in general and the provided services in the Gaza Strip, especially during crises. The representatives called for the need to formulate “a joint health emergency plan” that can meet the needs of the Palestinian society in times of crises in the Gaza Strip.


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