Thursday, 11.10.2018 - Al-Mathaf hall, Gaza

Job Opportunities for Youth

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Cooperation with the Palestinian Institute for Communication and Development (PICD), conducted a closed Workshop entitled: “Job Opportunities for Youth”, within the Project: Social Accountability – Professional Journalism in Gaza Strip. The workshop took place on Thursday, 11 October 2018 at Al-Mathaf hall in Gaza.

Guest speaker, Guest speaker: Dr. Salamah Abu Zaiter, member of board of the Palestinian Fund for Employment and social protection, stressed that the main challenge facing the Palestinian society in Gaza strip is the unemployment, which resulted poverty and lost productivity, which have repercussions on the society. Abu Zaiter explained that after the Israeli war and the blockade for 12 years on the Gaza Strip, the labor market is declined and can’t afford any worker more in the labor market.

He pointed out that agriculture sector was the largest operating sector in the past, but now it does not make up more than 1 percent. The construction sector, which is linked to 56 profession, is not really moving forward due to import obstacles of cement and building materials, and tourism sector is stopped due the restrictions of access and movement to Gaza strip. The only solution to create jobs is currently in micro and small enterprises. With regard to the Social Security Law, Abu Zeitar stressed the importance of this law to preserve workers’ rights and dignity, but some items of the law must be reformed.

The aim of the workshop was to shed light on the current crisis of unemployment and to discuss solution concepts.


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