Tuesday, 13.12.2016

Holds Expert Roundtable Discussion on IPCC Report „Community Development in Area C“

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in cooperation with the International Peace & Cooperation Center (IPCC) recently held an Expert roundtable discussion to launch the latest FES-IPCC publication „Community Development in Area C: Challenges and Opportunities“. On 13 December IPCC presented its work in Area C of the occupied West Bank and outlined the challenges of spatial planning the organization and the international community face.

Since 2009 IPCC has developed outline plans on the community and regional level in cooperation with Palestinian ministries. Outline plans serve as de facto planning documents for communities, donors and Israeli authorities. They provide protection against house demolitions and are a basis for sustainable socio-economic development in Area C in light of the local population’s needs.

Director Rami Nasrallah and Program Manager Basel Koutena elaborated on the political and technical dimension of IPCC’s work, while Mohammad Abu Remaileh, Project coordinator for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), explained the legal perspective of planning in Area C. A number of experts from local NGOs as well as government representatives of several EU member states participated in the subsequent discussion.


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