Sunday, 15.10.2017

Ghost Hunting

In partnership with the "Educational Bookshop" we hosted the second ever film screening of “Ghost Hunting” by Palestinian director Raed Adoni in East Jerusalem on 15 October.

The documentary vividly shows the circumstances under which Palestinians are imprisoned in Israeli jails and discusses the controversial interrogation techniques employed. By featuring former inmates the film authentically reveals and recreates the conditions and abuses inside Israeli prison walls.

The screening was attended by a mixed audience of 60 – 70 people, both from the Palestinian as well as the international community and men and women almost equally. After the screening, former inmate of 17 years and human right’s activist Mr. Yacoub Odeh shared his personal experience and answered questions by the audience. FES would like to thank everyone who participated in the screening and the vivid discussion afterwards as well as the "Educational Bookshop".


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Mount of Olives St. 27
9125101 Jerusalem


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