Tuesday, 03.04.2018

FES-PASSIA Round Table “The Rise of the Israeli Right and its Implications”

On 3 April 2018, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), in cooperation with its partner, the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA), hosted a roundtable discussion on the topic “The Rise of the Israeli Right and its Implications”.

The activity was organized in light of recent political developments that increasingly limit the spaces for moderate forces in the political scene. Director of FES Palestine, Dr. Beyhan Şentürk, introduced the evening with a welcome address and emphasized the evening’s subject matter as one of great importance, while stressing the need for a critical dialogue on all levels.

Ayman Odeh, member of Knesset and chairman of the Joint List, followed with a talk on the background of the right in Israel. He discussed the issue from a political perspective and linked the phenomenon to similar regional developments worldwide, while outlining possible future trends. The author, scientist and director of MADAR Center, Anton Shalhat, complemented the talk with a presentation focusing on the societal implications of a rise in right wing ideology and outlining its potential significance for the function of democratic processes.

The speakers were followed by a lively discussion with the audience, focusing on the political ramification of these developments.


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