Wednesday, 01.11.2017

A new plan for sustainable development for the World Heritage Site in the city of Battir

On Wednesday, 1 November 2017, members of civil society and other stakeholders gathered in the municipality building of Battir to discuss a recently finalized concept that aims to promote sustainable development for Battir, a Palestinian city located in the West Bank.

In cooperation with our partner the International Peace and Cooperation Center (IPCC), FES implemented this project in the framework of a regional FES program on Climate and Energy.

The city of Battir, situated south-west of Jerusalem and enlisted as a United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site, is of special historical and cultural significance to Palestine. The concept specifically developed for Battir can be seen as a model for further sustainability projects in Palestine and could possibly be applied to one of the many Palestinian localities that share the characteristics of Battir. Among the areas of intervention contained in the sustainability plan are the rehabilitation of the old city of Battir and vacant buildings, improvement of the city’s infrastructure, expanding the public transportation and restoring hiking trails in the area that surrounds the city. The plan further balances between the various interests and needs of the local community and interventions made in order to increase the sustainability, for instance by including the community in the planning process and encouraging it to contribute during the implementation period.

Furthermore the sustainable plan will put emphasis on development of the tourism sector as one of the main economic forces in supporting heritage preservation and future development for Battir.


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